Saturday, December 22, 2012


In 1994 38,505 Americans were killed with guns.  In 1994 President Clinton persuaded Congress to ban the sale of assault guns and in 2001 the number of Americans killed with guns dropped to 29,573. 

In 2004 President Bush persuaded Congress to let the ban on assault guns expire and the number of Americans killed with guns increased.  Recently 20 6 and 7 year old children were killed  with an assault gun while attending school.

From 1979 to 2005 the number of Americans killed in automobile accidents decreased 14.97% and  traffic fatalities were the lowest in 63 years. Americans are safer and fewer are killed by automobiles because common sense laws and regulations were enacted requiring testing before issuing a drivers license, imposing speed limits, requiring cars to be equipped with seat belts and air bags and prohibiting driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Americans believe the right to own and operate an automobile does not bestow upon you the freedom to drive your car at 100 mph while in a drunken stupor across a crowded school playground filled with 6 and 7 year old children.

Many Americans believe the Constitutional right to bear arms does not bestow upon you the freedom to own assault guns which in the hands of irresponsible people increase the chance your 6 year old child or grandchild will be gunned down while sitting in a classroom.

Guns are made to kill and assault guns are made to kill more people faster and never were intended for squirrel hunting.  Not even the NRA contends hunters use assault guns to kill game.

The NRA says Congress should immediately provide guns for teachers without naming one country that arms it’s teachers.  Placing 100 plus guns in the 5 Heber Springs Schools would only increases the number of guns available to shoot students.  Would you pay the taxes necessary to make schools armed fortresses?

Do not be misled support President Obama and urge Congress to reduce the number of innocent people killed with guns by banning assault guns.