Thursday, January 24, 2013


Gun sales increased 60% after Jared Loughner killed 6 people and wounded 12 others with a gun on a Tuscon, Az grocery parking lot  on 1/8/11.

Gun sales increased 41% after James Holmes killed 12 people and injured 58 others with a gun holding 100 bullets  in a Aurora, Co theater on 7/20/12.

Gun sales spiked across the U.S 200% to 400%  after Adam Lanza  killed 20 6-8 year schoolchildren at Newton, Ct  on December 14, 2012  with a gun that would shoot 500 bullets a minute. 

What a sad day in America when mass gun killings of innocent people are opportunities for the gun manufacturers to make millions of dollars drenched with the blood of  those innocent slaughtered people.

An average of 8,000 new members a day joined the NRA after the Newtown mass shooting--an increase of over 200,000 to date. 

What a sad day in America when the NRA exploits  mass gun killings to increase its membership and add millions of dollars to its political slush fund.

Former president G.H.W. Bush, a NRA life member, on May 13, 1993 resigned from the NRA because the NRA spokesman Wayne LaPierre  had viciously slandered  law enforcement officials as “jack booted thugs” “wearing Nazi bucket helmets and black storm trooper uniforms” who “harass, intimidate, even murder law abiding citizens.”

The NRA correctly viewed the Newtown tragedy as another opportunity to sell thousands of guns and sign up thousands of new members and make millions of dollars for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. How?  LaPierre  said “put armed police officers (jack booted thugs his description) in every school.”

NRA members like Bush should resign their membership and stop sending millions of their dollars to an organization that exploits the mass killing of innocent people to sell guns. and which refers to our police as “jack booted thugs.”

Please join Millions of Americans who are standing up against the fear mongering, gun selling NRA and support laws which will reduce the numbers of mass killings and make America safer.