Tuesday, September 25, 2012

9/25/12 Romney pays more taxes than due/attends Clinton Global

   Romney attended annual Clinton Gobal Initiative !!!!!! Why didn't he attend the Nixon, Hoover, Bush annual Global Initiative?   Even Republicans don't set aside a day to honor criminals who made it to the White House or who created the two worst economic disasters in America's history.

  Since April Super PACS have spent over $250 million in the presidential and select congressional races in key states without causing any significiant influence on voters.  Steve Laws who with Karl Rove manages the two largest Crossroads Super PACS said "we are no longer the market leader."
Three cheers for those voters who cannot be bought with Super PAC money.

President Romney's plan for less government--abolish all agencies that have anything to do with records to be replaced with the "Trust Me" Department--a new cabinet position in the executive department--instead of a budget and other financial reports the President will submit a letter to the American people from Pricewaterhouse--accountant who holds a no bid cost plus contract--giving Americans information about government income and expenses.
  In order to inform Americans how this policy will work Romney released a letter from Pricewaterhouse saying between 1990-2009 the Romneys owed state and federal income taxes and paid an average annual effective federal tax rate of 20.2%
  Same Romney who said "if he paid more taxes than legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become President."  2011 tax return shows Romneys did not claim all of their $4 million charitable donations and paid $500,000 more in taxes and paid a 14.1% tax rate.  Why did the Romneys not claim all of their tax deduction in a tax return prepared and released in September 2012?
Do you think it fair for the Romneys to pay a lower rate on their millions than someone who earns $50,000 a year in wages?

Monday, September 24, 2012


  Romney says cut government spending for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
  Romney added $1.3 billion to the national debt when he requested and received $1.3 billion in taxpayer funds to save the scandle riddled Winter Olympics.

  Ryan is the author of the Republican plan to cut government spending by doing  away with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.

  Ryan added  $700 billion to the national debt when he voted for $700 billion in TARP funds for the Bush bailout of Wall Street and added over $6 million to the national debt in 2011--$4.6 million as Chairman of the House Budget Committee, $1.4 million congressional office expense ($1.4 million is average) and $174,000 salary.

  Ryan said President Obama's stimulus plan "was a case of politicial patronage, corporate welfare and croynism at their worst."  Ryan wrote numerous letters requesting these funds for many corporations saying  these funds would "create jobs"   These corporations  received  millions in "corporate welfare"and added millions to the national debt.  One corporation, Wisconsin Energy Corp  received "$20.3 million in "corporate welfare"  "political patronage."

Sunday, September 23, 2012


     Romney's Rotten Record---Three Time Loser

    Republicans in 42 States and the District of Columbia in 2008 foud Romney was not qualified to be President of the U.S.
    John McCain the Republican nominee for President in 2008 found Romney was not qualified to be Vice-President of the U.S.
    The voters of Massachussetts in 1994 found Romney was not qualified to be a United States Senator

     59% disapproval rating, 47 of 50 for job creation, increased gasoline tax, created 33 new fees and increased 77, increased State debt $2.6 billion, property taxes increased from 49% to 53% while school funding for public education decreased and vetoed law raising minimum wage from $6.75 to $8.00 an hour---Romney's record as Governor of Massachussetts.

   $100,000 amount Romney spent purchasing the hardware drives on all state employees while he was governor and deleted their records because: "I didn't want information about my records to be available to opposition research teams.

  Same Romney who claims his 15 years business experience at Bain qualifies him to be President of the U.S. but refuses to release his tax records for the years he was at Bain.  Some Republicans describe Eomney's Bain experience as "vulture capitalism experience."

Ryan's Rotten Record--Two bill Paul

    Ryan has served 14 years as a Congressman from Wisconsin.  In that 14 years he sponsored 71 bills---two became law---one renaming a post office and the second pertaining to taxes on arrow shafts

Friday, September 21, 2012


    Can you name one program which benefitted the poor and disabled that was sponsored by a Republican President  in the last 107 years---when Theodore Roosevelt left the White House?

    Can you name one program which benefitted big business that was opposed by a Republican President in the last 107 years?

   Can you name one program which benefitted the poor and disabled that was sponsored by a Republican Congressman in the last 107 years?

  Can you name one program which benefitted big business that was opposed by a Republican Congressman in the last 107 years?

  Can you name the only President in America's history who resigned to avoid being impeached for criminal behavior while in office--hint--was a Republican known as Tricky Dick.

 Can you name the only Vice-President in America's historywho resigned for criminial behavior while in office--hint--he was also a Republican and Tricky Dick's VP.

  Can You name the President in the White House when America's greatest economic disaster in history began--hint--he was a Republican whose first name was Herbert

  Can you name the President in the White House when America's second greatest economic disaster in history began--hint--he was a Republican whose father GHW Bush was also president.

 Can you name one Republican candidate for any office from the outhouse to the White House who campaigned on what Republicans individually or as a political party have done in the last 100 years which made life better for most Americans

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grover Norquist in a February 2012 speech to CPAC set out  the qualifications for a Republican Presidental nominee in this language "We do not need a president to tell us in what direction to go.  We want the Ryan budget..We just need a president to sign this stuff.  We don't need someone to think it up or design it.  Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become President of the United States.  His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared."

Republicans selected as their nominee for President a man with enough fingers to hold a pen and sign into law the Ryan budget--if voters elect enough Republicans to make the Ryan budget the law of the land.

After being anointed as the Republican Presidential nominee Willard Romney proclaimed  "I'm not familiar with precisely what I said but I stand by what I said, whatever it was."

Willard also proclaimed Paul Ryan "is the intellectual center for the Republican Party