Saturday, December 22, 2012


In 1994 38,505 Americans were killed with guns.  In 1994 President Clinton persuaded Congress to ban the sale of assault guns and in 2001 the number of Americans killed with guns dropped to 29,573. 

In 2004 President Bush persuaded Congress to let the ban on assault guns expire and the number of Americans killed with guns increased.  Recently 20 6 and 7 year old children were killed  with an assault gun while attending school.

From 1979 to 2005 the number of Americans killed in automobile accidents decreased 14.97% and  traffic fatalities were the lowest in 63 years. Americans are safer and fewer are killed by automobiles because common sense laws and regulations were enacted requiring testing before issuing a drivers license, imposing speed limits, requiring cars to be equipped with seat belts and air bags and prohibiting driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Americans believe the right to own and operate an automobile does not bestow upon you the freedom to drive your car at 100 mph while in a drunken stupor across a crowded school playground filled with 6 and 7 year old children.

Many Americans believe the Constitutional right to bear arms does not bestow upon you the freedom to own assault guns which in the hands of irresponsible people increase the chance your 6 year old child or grandchild will be gunned down while sitting in a classroom.

Guns are made to kill and assault guns are made to kill more people faster and never were intended for squirrel hunting.  Not even the NRA contends hunters use assault guns to kill game.

The NRA says Congress should immediately provide guns for teachers without naming one country that arms it’s teachers.  Placing 100 plus guns in the 5 Heber Springs Schools would only increases the number of guns available to shoot students.  Would you pay the taxes necessary to make schools armed fortresses?

Do not be misled support President Obama and urge Congress to reduce the number of innocent people killed with guns by banning assault guns.


The Republican controlled House in 2012 passed 90 bills---a record low number.
In 2011 the average expense allowance for each member of the House was $1.4 million. Multiplying the average expense allowance and the salary ($174,000.00) by the number of House members (435) the cost of just these two items to taxpayers to pass 90 bills was $616.5 million.   This does not include any cost incurred by the House Committees, Subcommittees, Joint Committees, House Officers and House Officials.

As a voter and taxpayer I am interested in how Congress votes and spends my tax dollars and am requesting Congressman Rick Crawford to answer the following questions.

Do you and each member of your staff keep a daily record of your activities along with the names of all people contacted or who contacted you which records voters may view?
If not would you agree to keep such records in the future?

What was your Congressional expense allowance for the year 2012?
How many staff members did you have in 2012 and what was the job description for each? What was the expenses for your staff in 2012?

Please give the title and bill number for all bills you sponsored or co-sponsored in 2012 and how many of those became law.

What were the reasons that caused you to sign the Grover Norquist pledge never to raise taxes and will you continue to honor that pledge? 

Would you sign a pledge never to cut benefits for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid or Food Stamps and give the reasons for your answer.

How much will you reduce your expense allowance and how much will you reduce the  salary allowance of your staff in 2013?

Are you voters and taxpayers in Cleburne County interested enough in what Congress does and how much Congress costs taxpayers to write Congressman Crawford about these concerns and based on his record decide if he is earning his pay?

Thursday, November 29, 2012


1980--Carter-Reagan $29.4 million in federal funds each—Anderson $18.5 million.

1996-- $448.9 million

2000-- $649.5 million

2004-- $4.2 billion—Bush $362 million $5.92 for each vote—Kerry $362 million $5.52 per vote.

2008-- $7 billion

2012--$9.8 billion for statewide, municipal, congressional and presidential campaigns.
Romney $1.13 billion Obama $1.08 Billion.

2012—political donation record Sheldon Adelson  $100 million.

The average cost of a Senate campaign has gone from $2 million in 1990 to $8 million in 2010—the average House campaign from $320,000 in 1990  to over $1.1 million in 2010.

Under the present system the political contributions of millionaires and billionaires has produced a “Millionaires Club” made up of 67 Senators (67%) and 183 House members with assets over $1 million to do ALL the people’s business while only 1% of Americans are millionaires.  The “Millionaires Club” is so busy repaying and protecting the millionaires whose contributions made their election possible they do not have any time to devote to solving the many problems such as poverty, unemployment, Social Security, Medicare and healthcare facing the millions of Americans in the 99%.

Consider the fact that the $2 billion contributed to Romney-Obama in 2012 by millionaires would create 150 thousand Arkansas minimum wage jobs ($6.25 an hour) and pay the wages for one year on those 150 thousand jobs!!!

Voters have the power to change the millionaire control in American politics.  However only about half of Americans qualified to vote will take the time to vote and many of those who don’t have a million dollars will vote for the candidates selected by millionaires like Sheldon Adelson.

Will you work and vote to change the manner in which elections are held and to change to a system where qualifications of the candidates are more important than the amount of money they can raise.  Or will you continue to support the present system by not voting or voting for the candidates that millionaire’s dollars have selected?   Study the candidates and their contributors and then vote wisely.



President Clinton raised taxes (without a single Republican vote) left office after 8 years, with the longest economic expansion in America’s history:
Created over 22 million new jobs.
Lowest unemployment in 30 years
Lowest inflation since the 1960’s
Largest six year drop in poverty in 30 years.
Extended solvency of  Medicare  from 1999 to 2025
A record budget surplus four consecutive years.
Left office with an approval rating of 65%  the highest since Eisenhower

President George W. Bush enacted the largest tax cuts in America’s history primarily benefiting the richest (opposed by Bush Economic Advisement Council—opposed by 450 economists, 10 Nobel Prize laurets who signed this statement: “these cuts will worsen the long-term budget outlook..will reduce the capacity of the government to finance Social Security and Medicare benefits as well as investments in schools, health, infrastructure, and basic rsearch..and generate further inequalities in after-tax income” and left office after 8 years with the second worst economic collapse since Hoover’s great depression.
Lost 2.6 million jobs the last year in office, 1.9 million the last 4 months the highest in over 60 years.
The total number of unemployed Americans rose 632,000
Budget surplus—0 years
Disapproval rating October 2008 71%
National debt increased over 100%,  $5.6 trillion to $11.3 trillion , second highest in history exceeded by Reagan’s 300% increase

                                  Stock Market
Lost 25.1% during Bush 8 years.
Gained 95.9%  during Obama’s 3 ½ years.
Bush lost 2.6 million last year in office
Obama added 5 million last 41 months
                                    National debt
Reagan increased 300%
George W Bush increased over 100%
Obama (figure %--11.3 trillion to 16 trillion)

278 words --Work in progress not to be used in this format in PCR blog without prior written consent of author John Hotz

Monday, November 19, 2012


70% plus-- tax rate from 1936 to 1980 DOUBLE THE CURRENT RATE of 35% and as high as 94%. 

Republicans claim that the tax rate is “high” is not supported by historical facts.

0- amount of federal income taxes paid by 10,080 households with $200,000 adjusted gross income in 2009.

0-amount of federal income taxes paid by 4.5 million S corporations, 2/3 of all American corporations. Bechtel with 44,000 employees and $31.4 billion in revenue in 2008 is an S corporation.

Thousands of individuals and S corporations have already reached the Republican goal of 0 income tax.

Billionaire Warren Buffet pays a federal tax rate of 17.4%.

Millionaire Mitt Romney pays a federal tax rate of 13.9%.

70% of America’s millionaires believe they should pay more taxes.

Republicans say millionaires and billionaires like Romney and Buffet pay too much in taxes and propose a 20% ADDITONAL tax cut.

64% of all Americans believe millionaires should pay more taxes.

Write Senator Boozeman and Congressman Crawford and ask (1) why they will not vote to increase taxes on millionaires and billionaires when 70% of millionaires themselves believe they should pay more taxes, 64% of all Americans believe millionaires and billionaires should pay more taxes. The tax rate is half of what it was for over 40 years of prosperity.  (2) Sixty million Americans just voted for  President Obama who promised to raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires. (3) What is a fair percentage for Buffet to pay on the income from his $44 billion? (4) What is a fair percentage for Romney to pay on the income from his $250 million? (5) If all Senators since the income tax law was enacted in 1913 had signed a pledge and never raised the tax rate do you believe America would have had sufficient funds to wage and win World War 1 and 11 and (6) why did you sign a pledge to never raise taxes?

Republican # 1 Priority--Make Obama a One Term President

     McCain and Lindsey do not know the election is over and Obama won. They are going full speed ahead with their number 1 priority of the last 4 years say or do anything without regard to whether or not it is true to embarass President Obama.
   Karl Rove and his contributors blew $300 million in Super PAC money and know the election is over.
   McConnell and Boehner know the election is over and the next day after the election McConnell held a $2,500 per head fundraiser to add to his $7 million in the bank to get re-elected in 2014.
   During the Republican Primary and general election Republicans from top to bottom promised Americans jobs, proper health care, to solve the immigration problem and a robust economy.
   There has not been one Republican who held a press conference since November 6, 2012 and presented a plan for solving the many problems facing Americans--jobs, taxes, health care, immigration---their number 1 priority after the 2012 election is the same it was for the past 4 years---POWER--get Republicans elected.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Voters Who Knew Romney and Ryan Best

Hometown--Belmont 79% of 17,822 voters voted for Obama
Home State--Massachussets voted for Obama. 
New Hampshire--Million dollar home spent night before election voted for Obama
Maine--$10 million  home voted for Obama
California--$12 million dollar home with three car elevator votd for Obama

Hometown--Janesville 15,596 votes for  Democrat challenger to 13,279 and 60% voted for Obama
Home County--Rock 60% voted for Obama
Home State--Wisconsin voted for Obama

The voters who knew Romney and Ryan best made their judgment on their qualifications for public office  on November 6, 2012 and that judgment was-- they were not qualified.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mitt You Say You Are Not Bush

Mitt you promise to permanently extend the Bush tax cut and cut another 25%-- the same rate of Harding and Hoover in the 1920's

Mitt you have selected and surround yourself with Bush advisors (17 of 24).  The same 17 who advised Bush Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and winning a war against Iraq "was a piece of cake."

Mitt you talk like Bush "less government"  and "lower taxes" will create jobs, balance the budget and create a budget surplus.

Mitt you swagger like a Bush, you talk like a Bush, and you act like a Bush--if you are not a full grown Bush perhaps you are a "little saplin" or perhaps you are a very poor imatition.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Gingrich's 1994 GOPAC memo on language

In 1994 Newt Gingrich prepared and issued a GOPAC memo to Republicans entitled "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" which has been called the Magna Carta of attack politics.   This memo contains a long list of words for Republicans to use in describing their  opponent such as liberal, failed, destructive, traitors, liars and unionized bureauracy  and to describe themselves using such words as conservative, moral, truthful, humane, compassionate, reform, and prosperity.  All Republican candidates since 1994 use these words ever time they speak or in all their advertisements.  Hopefully as a voter you will not fall for this propaganda and reward Republicans for demonizing anyone who does not vote the way they do, whose skin is a different color or attend the same church they attend.  Americans should not vote for politicians who take away the freedom of Americans to be individuals by some catchy word or phrase which is meaningless and reduces people to something less than a real person.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Romney's Millions Job Creators--Romney's Personal Pleasures

 Romney says his wealth was earned at Bain beginning in 1984---and he left 15 years later in 1999--Tax returns and public records show in 2011  he had $250 million in banks all around the world which was producing over $20 million in income.

Can you name one job creating business Romney's  $250 million in the banks has created?
Can you name one job creating business  Romney's  $20 million in income has created?

Can you list the amounts Romney has spent for his personal gratification and that of his family on these items:*
Million dollar residences
His own political campaigns.
The political campaigns of others.
Trust accounts for each of his five boys worth in excess of $100 million each.
*Each of these personal expenditures created some jobs.  Creating five trust accounts worth over $100 million each required a number of attorneys and accountants.  Owning multiple Cadillacs provides jobs for drivers and horses must be fed, groomed and exercised creating jobs for those attendants.  Thank you Mr. Romney for creating these jobs.  If you would release your tax returns I am sure they would show ALL the jobs you have created.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Democrat Debate Points

Democrat Debate Points

Why am I paying $4 a gallon for gasoline?

Because Exxon-Mobile last year was making $82,561.00 PROFIT PER MINUTE—and because all other big oil companies are making record billion dollar profits.

Because the Bush-Halliburton oil policy is still the law of the land.

Because Republicans voted 100% against President Obama’s Senate Bill 258 in March 2012 to close big oil tax loopholes-- the Bush-Halliburton oil policy remains.

Why is poverty and unemployment so widespread in 2012?

Because for the past 4 years  poverty and unemployment were not on Republicans priority list---Republicans number 1 priority was to defeat President Obama even if it meant throwing the poor and disabled under the political bus.

Why Republicans will never raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires or repeal the tax loopholes on big oil (1) the amount of money they receive for their campaigns from millionaires, billionaires and big oil (2) they have signed a written oath with Grover Norquist promising NEVER to raise taxes

Mitt says he has spent his “entire life in the private sector” or other times he says  “25 years.”  This is a 65 year old man who says he worked for Bain 1984-1999—obviously he is poor in math.  Seems to me he cannot hold a job and has been UNEMPLOYED most of his 65 years—most likely one of the 47% who cannot manage their lives and lives on a government dole

Mitt and his Republican worshippers say he was a success at everything he has done—Mitt is a three time loser in politics---Republicans in 2008 found he was not qualified to be president or vice-president and the people in Massachusetts found he was not qualified to be U.S. Senator.

At the Olympics Mitt was a success because he requested and obtained $1.3 billion in taxpayer funds to bail out a scandal riddled enterprise and added it to the tax bill for your children-grandchildren to pay.

If Mitt was such success why did he spend $100,000 destroying the computer records of all state employees while he was governor and why won’t he release his tax records showing whether he was a “vulture capitalist” or a success.

It took FDR and the Democrats over 4 years over 8 years over 12 years to bring the economy around after the Republican Hoover Great Depression—Republicans don’t read history and they just keep repeating economic disasters.

Romney may not be Bush---but with about 85% of his top advisors having been top advisors to Bush, promising to permanently extend the Bush tax cut and give millionaires and billionaires an additional 20% tax cut—looks like Bus—talks like Bush—walks like Bush—must be a Bush---All Americans should prepare to live through another Hoover Bush economic disaster in 2013 not just the 47% of Americans who Romney said he does not worry about and who will not take responsibility for their lives

Poverty was not on Romney’s or Republican’s  (R&R) priority list for the last four years.
Gas prices were not on R&R’s priority list for the last four years.
Unemployment was not on R&R’s priority list for the last four years.
Healthcare was not on R&R’s  priority list for the last 4 years.
Immigration  was not on R&R’s priority list for the last 4 years.
R&R’s  number 1 priority for the last four years---defeat President Obama
Yes R&R have devoted all their time and money to defeating President Obama.
Not only did R&R not work on solving America’s problems they objected to everything President Obama’s did to solve our problems and created gridlock.

1932 Democrats created Social Security---Republicans tried to destroy
2012 over 61 millions Americans depend on their Social Security Check—Republicans still trying to destroy and give a tax cut to millionaires and billionaires.

35 million Americans depend on Medicare and 36 million depend on Medicaid—Republicans opposed when created and are still trying to destroy and give millionaires and billionaires a tax cut. 

Name one program that made life better for the poor and disabled like Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare that Republicans sponsored.

Name one tax cut for millionaires and billionaires that was not SPONSORED  by Republicans.

Republicans have not had a new idea or thought on the economy since Harding uttered some 90 years ago “lower taxes” and “less government” will produce a chicken in ever pot and a car in ever garage.

Democrats seek power to be of public service—Republicans seek power to gain personal wealth.

“Homebuilding ramps up 15% in September—4-year high”   Headline 10/18/12

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Corporate taxes

Republican's claim corporate taxes are too high is a claim based on a fallacy.

Federal corporate taxes collected in 1952 was 6.1% of GDP and fell to 1% in 2010 the LOWEST since 1936.

Two-thirds of all U. S. corporations are S corporations and pay 0 corporate federal taxes and many S corporations are worth billions of  dollars.

Billions of dollars in tax loopholes for big oil enabled Exxon-Mobile to make profits of $82,561.00 per minute last year.

Corporate profits have soared to record highs while the number of people without jobs and living in poverty also soared to record numbers.

The total value of corporations converting to Real Estate Trusts (REIT'S) to avoid paying taxes has increased from $9 billion in 1990 to $451 billion in 2011.  American Tower saved $400 million annually, Equinix saved $150 million annually and Iron Mountain saved $150 million annually by converting to REIT'S.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Romney's political positions

Romney’s political positions

“I’m not familiar with precisely what I said but I stand by what I said, whatever it was.”
Romney’s reply to a reporter.

Romney do you “stand” by these prior positions ?
“I’m not in favor of privatizing Social Security or making cuts.”
“I believe that since Roe v Wade has been the law for 20 years we should sustain and support it.”
“It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.” 
“I respect and will protect a woman’s right to choose.” 
“I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.” 
“I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.” 

A few examples on which Romney has expressed multiple positions.

Romney is a “flip flopper.”
Romney “will say anything to get elected.”
Romney’s aide  Eric Fehnstrom  said “It’s almost like an Etch a Sketch.  You kind of shake it up and restart all over again.”

When the President must make important decisions such as whether your son/brother/sister/father/mother must go to war and lose their life do you want a president who will “flip flop” or shake an Etch a Sketch and afterwards say “I stand by what I said, whatever it was.”

Will you vote for a president who will “flip flop” “ or shake an “Etch a Sketch” when making  important decisions and says afterwards --“I stand by what I said, whatever it was.”

After Politifact, labeled Romney’s welfare ads as untrue Romney’s  aide Neil Newhouse said “ We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact  checkers.”

At best Romney is a “flip flopper” who will say anything to get elected and who will make life and death decisions as President like you shake an Etch a Sketch or at worst make decisions without regards to the “facts” or his prior position on the issue.

For the first time in history voters on November 6, 2012 can choose from hundreds of candidates for President-- all from one political party—Republican—and all named Eomney.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hatred for Obama

Thought for the day

Until this week I never really understood  the depth of  Republican hatred against Obama  was such  that they would wreck the American economy to defeat him.  I should have believed:
(1) Rush Limbaugh when he said after Obama was elected and before he assumed office “I hope Obama fails.” 
(2) Republican leaders who have been saying  for four years “our number 1 priority is to defeat Obama.”
(3) Romney when he said “he didn’t worry about 47% of Americans—the poor, retired and disabled.” 
(4) Ryan when he said “30% of Americans want to live off of welfare.”

The Bureau of Labor released its report showing total employment rose by 873,000 in September, 104,000 people were hired in non farm jobs, unemployed persons decreased by 456,000 to 7.8% the lowest in four years.

The 456,000 who got off unemployment the 104,000 who were hired in September are happy to be working and paying their bills along with thoughtful Americans who believe we should care for the poor the disabled and  the unemployed.

Republicans reaction to the Bureau of Labor September report--“Obama cooked the books.” 

Republican reaction to the Bureau of Labor reports showing unemployment  above 8% “Failed Obama economics”

Republican hatred of Obama and their desire to defeat him as president has been of such degree they have thrown 47%  of Americans---the poor and disabled under the bus along with Jim Leherer and Big Bird.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Jim you are fired

Who was the Republican nominee that appeared for the Presidential debate last night is the $64,000.00 question being discussed among thoughtful people today.

Some say it was "there you go again Mitt you like to fire people.

Others believe it was Donald (you are fired) Trump in disguise.

In any event ALL America, including Romney's 47% he does not worry about and Ryan's 30% who want to live on welfare were told in no uncertain terms that PBS will be abolished and the money saved will create twelve million jobs, balance the budget and there will be no national debt for your children and grandchildren to pay.

Like all Republican Presidential nominees for the past 107 years he promised to cut your taxes and pay off over $16 trillion in national debt from the savings of getting rid of the PBS programs "Cat in Hat" and "Dr Seuss."

However the saddest part of the debate was watching the smiling, laughing Republican nominee point his finger at the halpless moderator, Jim Lehrer,  and say "Jim I like PBS and I like you but "you are fired."

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hoover'-Bush succesful businessmen-presidents

American voters have elected two Presidents with well documented business experience and the results in both cases resulted in ECONOMIC DISASTER.
Republican Herbert Hoover produced the Great Depression.  Republican Goeorge Bush produced America's second greatest economic disaster.

Mitt Romney tells Americans his 15 years business experience at Bain Capital created jobs, was successful and qualifies him to be President of the U.S. Thousands of Americans say they lost their jobs when Bain Capital made millions and placed their employer in bankruptcy.  Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry describes Romney's business experience at Bain as "vulture capitalism."

Bain Capial purpose as stated at it's website: "to produce superior investment returns for our investors." 

Romney's tax returns for the years he was CEO at Bain would show whether he created jobs or engaged in "vulture Capitalism" however he refuses to make his tax records public and let you make the decision on his activities at Bain and says "trust me."

The President of the United States is not elected "to produce superior investment returns for the investors of Bain or any other corporation."  The President of the U.S. is elected to be the president of all the people --not just president  for millionaires and billionaires--but President for the poor and disabled yes even the 47% Romney says he "will not worry about."

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Faces in Romney-Ryan gatherings

Look closely at the faces of those attending  Romney-Ryan gatherings.  Not exactly the face of America.  You will not see the faces of anyone from the 47% Romney does not worry about because they were not invited.  The faces look more like America's richest 1%.

Romney did not gladhand the natives or hold a press conference for their benefit on his recent trip to Arkansas.  Only 250 of Arkansas's wealthiest who anted up $2 million were invited to attend Romney's  20 minute speech at the duck hotel.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Turnaround to Bush administrations 10/1/12

  70% to 85% of  the Romney-Ryan top advisors and staffers worked for George Bush (little saplin) when America weathered the worst domestic attack since Pearl Harbour, turned out phony reports of weapons of mass destruction which resulted in unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanastain, failed to kill Bin Laden in 7 years, and whose "voodoo" economic policies created the second worst economic disaster in America's history.
  The turn around Romney and Ryan are promising will turn American's around for another round with the failed policies of the Bush administration.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

9/25/12 Romney pays more taxes than due/attends Clinton Global

   Romney attended annual Clinton Gobal Initiative !!!!!! Why didn't he attend the Nixon, Hoover, Bush annual Global Initiative?   Even Republicans don't set aside a day to honor criminals who made it to the White House or who created the two worst economic disasters in America's history.

  Since April Super PACS have spent over $250 million in the presidential and select congressional races in key states without causing any significiant influence on voters.  Steve Laws who with Karl Rove manages the two largest Crossroads Super PACS said "we are no longer the market leader."
Three cheers for those voters who cannot be bought with Super PAC money.

President Romney's plan for less government--abolish all agencies that have anything to do with records to be replaced with the "Trust Me" Department--a new cabinet position in the executive department--instead of a budget and other financial reports the President will submit a letter to the American people from Pricewaterhouse--accountant who holds a no bid cost plus contract--giving Americans information about government income and expenses.
  In order to inform Americans how this policy will work Romney released a letter from Pricewaterhouse saying between 1990-2009 the Romneys owed state and federal income taxes and paid an average annual effective federal tax rate of 20.2%
  Same Romney who said "if he paid more taxes than legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become President."  2011 tax return shows Romneys did not claim all of their $4 million charitable donations and paid $500,000 more in taxes and paid a 14.1% tax rate.  Why did the Romneys not claim all of their tax deduction in a tax return prepared and released in September 2012?
Do you think it fair for the Romneys to pay a lower rate on their millions than someone who earns $50,000 a year in wages?

Monday, September 24, 2012


  Romney says cut government spending for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
  Romney added $1.3 billion to the national debt when he requested and received $1.3 billion in taxpayer funds to save the scandle riddled Winter Olympics.

  Ryan is the author of the Republican plan to cut government spending by doing  away with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.

  Ryan added  $700 billion to the national debt when he voted for $700 billion in TARP funds for the Bush bailout of Wall Street and added over $6 million to the national debt in 2011--$4.6 million as Chairman of the House Budget Committee, $1.4 million congressional office expense ($1.4 million is average) and $174,000 salary.

  Ryan said President Obama's stimulus plan "was a case of politicial patronage, corporate welfare and croynism at their worst."  Ryan wrote numerous letters requesting these funds for many corporations saying  these funds would "create jobs"   These corporations  received  millions in "corporate welfare"and added millions to the national debt.  One corporation, Wisconsin Energy Corp  received "$20.3 million in "corporate welfare"  "political patronage."

Sunday, September 23, 2012


     Romney's Rotten Record---Three Time Loser

    Republicans in 42 States and the District of Columbia in 2008 foud Romney was not qualified to be President of the U.S.
    John McCain the Republican nominee for President in 2008 found Romney was not qualified to be Vice-President of the U.S.
    The voters of Massachussetts in 1994 found Romney was not qualified to be a United States Senator

     59% disapproval rating, 47 of 50 for job creation, increased gasoline tax, created 33 new fees and increased 77, increased State debt $2.6 billion, property taxes increased from 49% to 53% while school funding for public education decreased and vetoed law raising minimum wage from $6.75 to $8.00 an hour---Romney's record as Governor of Massachussetts.

   $100,000 amount Romney spent purchasing the hardware drives on all state employees while he was governor and deleted their records because: "I didn't want information about my records to be available to opposition research teams.

  Same Romney who claims his 15 years business experience at Bain qualifies him to be President of the U.S. but refuses to release his tax records for the years he was at Bain.  Some Republicans describe Eomney's Bain experience as "vulture capitalism experience."

Ryan's Rotten Record--Two bill Paul

    Ryan has served 14 years as a Congressman from Wisconsin.  In that 14 years he sponsored 71 bills---two became law---one renaming a post office and the second pertaining to taxes on arrow shafts

Friday, September 21, 2012


    Can you name one program which benefitted the poor and disabled that was sponsored by a Republican President  in the last 107 years---when Theodore Roosevelt left the White House?

    Can you name one program which benefitted big business that was opposed by a Republican President in the last 107 years?

   Can you name one program which benefitted the poor and disabled that was sponsored by a Republican Congressman in the last 107 years?

  Can you name one program which benefitted big business that was opposed by a Republican Congressman in the last 107 years?

  Can you name the only President in America's history who resigned to avoid being impeached for criminal behavior while in office--hint--was a Republican known as Tricky Dick.

 Can you name the only Vice-President in America's historywho resigned for criminial behavior while in office--hint--he was also a Republican and Tricky Dick's VP.

  Can You name the President in the White House when America's greatest economic disaster in history began--hint--he was a Republican whose first name was Herbert

  Can you name the President in the White House when America's second greatest economic disaster in history began--hint--he was a Republican whose father GHW Bush was also president.

 Can you name one Republican candidate for any office from the outhouse to the White House who campaigned on what Republicans individually or as a political party have done in the last 100 years which made life better for most Americans

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grover Norquist in a February 2012 speech to CPAC set out  the qualifications for a Republican Presidental nominee in this language "We do not need a president to tell us in what direction to go.  We want the Ryan budget..We just need a president to sign this stuff.  We don't need someone to think it up or design it.  Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become President of the United States.  His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared."

Republicans selected as their nominee for President a man with enough fingers to hold a pen and sign into law the Ryan budget--if voters elect enough Republicans to make the Ryan budget the law of the land.

After being anointed as the Republican Presidential nominee Willard Romney proclaimed  "I'm not familiar with precisely what I said but I stand by what I said, whatever it was."

Willard also proclaimed Paul Ryan "is the intellectual center for the Republican Party