Monday, October 22, 2012

Gingrich's 1994 GOPAC memo on language

In 1994 Newt Gingrich prepared and issued a GOPAC memo to Republicans entitled "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" which has been called the Magna Carta of attack politics.   This memo contains a long list of words for Republicans to use in describing their  opponent such as liberal, failed, destructive, traitors, liars and unionized bureauracy  and to describe themselves using such words as conservative, moral, truthful, humane, compassionate, reform, and prosperity.  All Republican candidates since 1994 use these words ever time they speak or in all their advertisements.  Hopefully as a voter you will not fall for this propaganda and reward Republicans for demonizing anyone who does not vote the way they do, whose skin is a different color or attend the same church they attend.  Americans should not vote for politicians who take away the freedom of Americans to be individuals by some catchy word or phrase which is meaningless and reduces people to something less than a real person.