Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Romney's political positions

Romney’s political positions

“I’m not familiar with precisely what I said but I stand by what I said, whatever it was.”
Romney’s reply to a reporter.

Romney do you “stand” by these prior positions ?
“I’m not in favor of privatizing Social Security or making cuts.”
“I believe that since Roe v Wade has been the law for 20 years we should sustain and support it.”
“It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.” 
“I respect and will protect a woman’s right to choose.” 
“I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.” 
“I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.” 

A few examples on which Romney has expressed multiple positions.

Romney is a “flip flopper.”
Romney “will say anything to get elected.”
Romney’s aide  Eric Fehnstrom  said “It’s almost like an Etch a Sketch.  You kind of shake it up and restart all over again.”

When the President must make important decisions such as whether your son/brother/sister/father/mother must go to war and lose their life do you want a president who will “flip flop” or shake an Etch a Sketch and afterwards say “I stand by what I said, whatever it was.”

Will you vote for a president who will “flip flop” “ or shake an “Etch a Sketch” when making  important decisions and says afterwards --“I stand by what I said, whatever it was.”

After Politifact, labeled Romney’s welfare ads as untrue Romney’s  aide Neil Newhouse said “ We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact  checkers.”

At best Romney is a “flip flopper” who will say anything to get elected and who will make life and death decisions as President like you shake an Etch a Sketch or at worst make decisions without regards to the “facts” or his prior position on the issue.

For the first time in history voters on November 6, 2012 can choose from hundreds of candidates for President-- all from one political party—Republican—and all named Eomney.