Thursday, October 18, 2012

Democrat Debate Points

Democrat Debate Points

Why am I paying $4 a gallon for gasoline?

Because Exxon-Mobile last year was making $82,561.00 PROFIT PER MINUTE—and because all other big oil companies are making record billion dollar profits.

Because the Bush-Halliburton oil policy is still the law of the land.

Because Republicans voted 100% against President Obama’s Senate Bill 258 in March 2012 to close big oil tax loopholes-- the Bush-Halliburton oil policy remains.

Why is poverty and unemployment so widespread in 2012?

Because for the past 4 years  poverty and unemployment were not on Republicans priority list---Republicans number 1 priority was to defeat President Obama even if it meant throwing the poor and disabled under the political bus.

Why Republicans will never raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires or repeal the tax loopholes on big oil (1) the amount of money they receive for their campaigns from millionaires, billionaires and big oil (2) they have signed a written oath with Grover Norquist promising NEVER to raise taxes

Mitt says he has spent his “entire life in the private sector” or other times he says  “25 years.”  This is a 65 year old man who says he worked for Bain 1984-1999—obviously he is poor in math.  Seems to me he cannot hold a job and has been UNEMPLOYED most of his 65 years—most likely one of the 47% who cannot manage their lives and lives on a government dole

Mitt and his Republican worshippers say he was a success at everything he has done—Mitt is a three time loser in politics---Republicans in 2008 found he was not qualified to be president or vice-president and the people in Massachusetts found he was not qualified to be U.S. Senator.

At the Olympics Mitt was a success because he requested and obtained $1.3 billion in taxpayer funds to bail out a scandal riddled enterprise and added it to the tax bill for your children-grandchildren to pay.

If Mitt was such success why did he spend $100,000 destroying the computer records of all state employees while he was governor and why won’t he release his tax records showing whether he was a “vulture capitalist” or a success.

It took FDR and the Democrats over 4 years over 8 years over 12 years to bring the economy around after the Republican Hoover Great Depression—Republicans don’t read history and they just keep repeating economic disasters.

Romney may not be Bush---but with about 85% of his top advisors having been top advisors to Bush, promising to permanently extend the Bush tax cut and give millionaires and billionaires an additional 20% tax cut—looks like Bus—talks like Bush—walks like Bush—must be a Bush---All Americans should prepare to live through another Hoover Bush economic disaster in 2013 not just the 47% of Americans who Romney said he does not worry about and who will not take responsibility for their lives

Poverty was not on Romney’s or Republican’s  (R&R) priority list for the last four years.
Gas prices were not on R&R’s priority list for the last four years.
Unemployment was not on R&R’s priority list for the last four years.
Healthcare was not on R&R’s  priority list for the last 4 years.
Immigration  was not on R&R’s priority list for the last 4 years.
R&R’s  number 1 priority for the last four years---defeat President Obama
Yes R&R have devoted all their time and money to defeating President Obama.
Not only did R&R not work on solving America’s problems they objected to everything President Obama’s did to solve our problems and created gridlock.

1932 Democrats created Social Security---Republicans tried to destroy
2012 over 61 millions Americans depend on their Social Security Check—Republicans still trying to destroy and give a tax cut to millionaires and billionaires.

35 million Americans depend on Medicare and 36 million depend on Medicaid—Republicans opposed when created and are still trying to destroy and give millionaires and billionaires a tax cut. 

Name one program that made life better for the poor and disabled like Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare that Republicans sponsored.

Name one tax cut for millionaires and billionaires that was not SPONSORED  by Republicans.

Republicans have not had a new idea or thought on the economy since Harding uttered some 90 years ago “lower taxes” and “less government” will produce a chicken in ever pot and a car in ever garage.

Democrats seek power to be of public service—Republicans seek power to gain personal wealth.

“Homebuilding ramps up 15% in September—4-year high”   Headline 10/18/12